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時間:2014-12-12 11:49:12  來源:城市化雜志  作者:文/譚少容 翻譯/李虹諭 

  User3627337891: The Seminar organized by Wuchang District provided Tanhualin with a new platform which exerts a great influence on its future development, especially on its international connections. The seminar commenced with the entry point of city organization and construction and developed to the issue of social governance, which broadened the horizon of related departments. It is also a reference to the solving of certain problems.

  Art Tanhualin: Professor Li has made a believable and practical analysis on Tanhualin based on years of study and practice. He inspired us by explaining the features and routes and dissecting the necessity and feasibility of protecting the district. The experts of urbanization also enlightened us with their unique perspective, clear thoughts and passionate delivery.

  nhxh_82385: good job!

  Wuchang Xu: I have participated in several seminars, but I find this one fresh and new. The theoretical presentation of the foreign specialists, practical analysis of the local experts, and the interaction between the lecturers and the audiences impressed me to a great extent. Most of the lecturers are the experts and scholars who have been studying on the historical and cultural district for a long time. They formed the ideological unity in all cadres of the district and firmed our confidence and determination of protecting and reviving Tanhualin. I believe that a classic case will be presented to all.

  Mhui29052: Thanks to professor Zhang's passion for her place of origin, her speech was vivid and refreshing. Tanhualin becomes what it is today because of the attention and affection of people of all walks of life. I wish it a larger group and a better future.

  Hufei_1986: Tanhualin is a pleasant district where stories take place. I hope we will show to the world its past, present and future, as well as it will become the Tanhualin of Wuhan, China, and even of the world.

  Lucky_yangli: Signing the strategic contact indicated a better and brighter prospect of Tanhualin.

  nhxh_82385: So many talented people in Tanhualin!

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