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Q3:Capital balance of the revitalization
時間:2014-12-12 11:23:53  來源:城市化雜志  作者:文/譚少容 翻譯/李虹諭 

  Wuchang Cultural and Tourism Corporation Limited: Nowadays, most cases of revitalization of historical and cultural districts in China can hardly reach the balance of capital,thus I would like to ask Mr Nicolai Peitersen to share some successful cases from European countries.

  Nicolai Peitersen: I have been to many cities during my stay in China.I realize that most governments develop land by trade. Whenever a government wants to make profit out of certain land, they would sell it out to the real estate developers,by which the historical and cultural value of that area will be lost in this process.In Europe, the government will evaluate the real value of the land whenever they want to invest in revitalization of an old district,and then impose tax on the local investor.This way,the historical and cultural value of the neighborhood will be kept while developing its economy.

  Another notion I would bring to this topic is the community enterprises.There are many enterprises of this kind in Denmark who are very interested in investing in the historical and cultural districts,so the public will raise funds together to invest in the project.This way not only more job opportunities are created for the local community but also many outstanding citizens are trained, besides,it will also help to attract more investment from government and outside investors to contribute and create value for the neighborhood.

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