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Discussion between Chinese and EU experts on revitalization of historical and cultural districts in Wuchang
時間:2014-12-12 10:43:56  來源:城市化雜志  作者:文/譚少容 翻譯/李虹諭 


Time: 30th, Oct   Site: The Great Hall of Wuchang Government

Topic: Thoughts and Strategies on Revitalization of Historical and Cultural Districts in China and Abroad

Guided by:  Science and Technology Committee of MOHURD, CIUDSRC.

Hosted by:  The Party Committee of Wuchang District, The People’s Government of Wuchang, CDI (Shenzhen, China)

Sponsored by:  Wuhan Wuchang Cultural Tourism Development Co.Ltd

Supporting Media: CCTV,CNR,CNS,Construction News Council,CIUDSRC.com,Sina.com,Sohu.com,QQ.com,

Sofang.com,Urbanization magazine, Hubei Daily, Hubei TV,Changjiang News, Wuhan TV,etc.

  On the morning of 30th, October,an urbanization seminar named ‘Strategies and Thoughts on the Revitalization of Historical and Cultural Districts in China and Abroad’was held in the great hall of Wuchang government. The event was a great success with the participation of Chinese and EU experts as well as the dynamic interactions between the panelists and the audience.

  The CIUDSRC has invited the chief EU expert on Urbanization Mr Nicolai Peitersen; vice director of the CIUDSRC,vice president of the CAEP, council member of the CESC,Ms Youyun Zhang;Mr Jinkui Li, a senior researcher from the CDI(Shenzhen),together with many other experts discussing about the strategies for the protection and development of the Historical and Cultural District of Tanhualin.

  Mr Xiyun Kuang,the Chief director of the Wuhan Planning and Design Institute and officials from Wuchang District Committee, the Political Consultative Conference of Wuchang District, the People’s Government of Wuchang District have joined the panel discussion as well. Li Wang,secretary of Wuchang District Committee of Wuhan,said:Through the format of speeches given by China-EU experts, panel discussion and interaction with audience, the belief of revitalize Tanhualin as a historical and cultural district with innovative management and humanity has been firmly strengthened.

  Mr Yihong Cai,the general secretary of the CIUDSRC,together with Mr Qitong Xu has cosigned the strategic agreement of the Tanhualin Project.

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