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時間:2010-05-12 14:51:21  來源:城市化委員會 



Background Information

Shanghai Expo is China’s new showcase to the world. As a responsible developing country, China needs to clarify its stance to the world: the rising and rejuvenation of Chinese civilization makes great contribution to the world civilization and peace. China’s urbanization and modernization can help to create a better world.

“中國的城市化 讓世界更美好——和諧•宜居•生態”大型簽名建言活動,旨在通過簽名、建言的形式,激發世界和中國各族人民倡導低碳環保經濟發展理念、建設環境宜居與資源節約型社會的參與熱情,營造中國城市化可持續健康發展的良好氛圍,引起媒體和社會公眾對簽名活動及活動主辦方的普遍關注。

The signature and proposal gathering event themed by “China’s urbanization makes the world better—harmonious, livable and eco-friendly” is organized to encourage people all over the world to pursue low-carbon and green economic development and build livable and energy-conserving societies, generate a favorable atmosphere for sustainable urbanization in China and attract broad attention from the media and the public on the event and the host.


The Lecture Room of World Expo Themes is designed to “create a national think tank for urban development and innovate financing vehicles for urban construction”. It will invite famous domestic and foreign experts on urban planning, construction, development and investment to give high-end lectures, make full use of the World Expo to educate the public, and analyze the innovation of the World Expo in ideas, concepts, science and technology and materials on urban development and look ahead to the development trend of future cities. Therefore, it can provoke government officials, senior executives of investment and fund raising institution and private entrepreneurs to think about future development of Chinese cities and offer intellectual support to urban government for decision making of public investment, to enterprises and private investors for seizing new investment opportunities and to 25 trillion of private capital for better participation into China’s urbanization.


“中國的城市化 讓世界更美好——和諧•宜居•生態”大型簽名建言活動暨中國城市化的機遇與挑戰世博主題大講壇啟動儀式;

The Theme

“China’s Urbanization Makes the World Better—Harmonious, Livable and Eco-friendly” A large-scale signature and proposal gathering event and the opening ceremony of the Lecture Room of World Expo Themes




9:00-17:00 May 15th, 2010




Main venue: Shanghai


Agenda and Guests


1. Welcoming remarks: leadership from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

2、上海市有關負責人宣讀中國的城市化  讓世界更美好——和諧•宜居•生態”大型簽名建言活動《倡議書》;

2. Presenting the Recommendations of China’s Urbanization Makes the World Better—Harmonious, Livable and Eco-friendly: official from the municipal government of Shanghai.

3、住房和城鄉建設部李秉仁總經濟師講話,宣布中國的城市化  讓世界更美好——和諧•宜居•生態”大型簽名建言活動正式啟動,與眾嘉賓共同揭幕簽名條幅,并簽名建言;

3. Remarks: Li Bingren, Chief Economist of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC. He will launch the event and join other guests to unveil the signing scroll, sign their names and offer proposals.


Profile: Mr. Li is the chief economist of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development of the PRC, standing deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission, standing deputy director of the China International Urbanization Development Strategy Research Commission (CIUDSRC). He has been committed to urban planning and construction and served as deputy director of Department of planning, Department of Science and Technology and Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations, director of Human Resources, Education and Training, Ministry of Construction. He said “Low carbon should be the goal of urbanization. While seeking development, cities should control their traffic and private car ownership and use frequency, develop rail transit. The development of tertiary industry should be encouraged, as it can reduce carbon emission and environmental pollution and save land.”


4. Introducing the background and significance of the Lecture Room on Opportunities and Challenges Faced by China’s Urbanization and opening the Lecture Room: official from the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo coordination.



5. Keynote report on Investment Opportunities and Challenges in  on China’s Rapid Urbanization: Liu Yishun, deputy director of the China International Urbanization Development Strategy Research Commission.

Profile: Mr. Liu is the former director of the State State-owned Asset Administration Bureau, Ministry of Finance, leader of the working group, the Finance and Economic Commission of the 9th NPC for drafting the State-owned Asset Law, chairman of the board of China Asset Investment Management Corporation, investment adviser to China Development Bank on equipment manufacturing industry and deputy director of CIUDSRC.



6. Keynote report on Low Carbon Planning and Challenges in on Rapid Urbanization: David Greenberg

Profile: Mr. Greenberg is a well-known American expert on ecological and urban planning, a social activist with international influence in ecology, architecture and planning and one of the contributors to the Architecture Salon and the language of post-modern architecture. He got a bachelor degree of architecture from Arizona Sate University and a master’s degree of architecture and urban planning from UCLA. He was appointed as consultant for ecotourism in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China, created a master plan for ecotourism in Hainan Island and consulted as the Urban Designer for the conceptual master plan of Shanghai World Expo. He has been consulting on ecotourism projects in China and Hawaii for years. In 2008, he was appointed to the Global Housing Program for the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan.



7. Keynote report on Two Waves of Urbanization Spanning 100 Years: Li Jinkui.

Profile: Mr. Li is a council member of the China Development Institute, a chief researcher of the Urban Management Research Center, a council member of the China Society of Urban Economy, a senior member of Chinese Society for Urban Studies, a visiting professor to the Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University and a member of the Policy Consultative Committee of Shenzhen.





China International Urbanization  Development Strategy Research Commission

Center for National Strategy Studies, Shanghai Jiao Tong University








Shanghai Pacific Regional Economic Development Research Association

Shanghai Minyuan Investment Management Consulting Co., LTD

China Eastern Airlines Tourist Investment (Group) Co., LTD

EXPO GROUP Shanghai Advertising Co., LTD




Media Support

Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, Shanghai correspondent of Peoples Daily, Peoples .com .cn,eastday.com, jfDaily, Wenhui Daily,  Peoples Radio Station of Shanghai,  Orriental TVNewpaper EveningNewpaper Morning sina.com.cn, sohu.com, QQ.com, CIUDSRC.com, Magazine of Urbanization,  some shanghai local newspapers and so on.

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